Chat 003 – Casey Dickerson on Special Olympics and People with IDDs

I have been a resident assistant for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilites (IDDs) on and off for the last 10 years. Casey and I met through us working together in this field.

It’s been really nice getting to know her and she is an amazing person. See a glimpse of what makes Casey so awesome in this video below.

Topics We Discussed About People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilites (IDDs)

I had a blast talking to my friend Casey in this video about…

  • What “low incidence” disabilities are (and what that means)
  • How to help better support people with IDDs.
  • Special Olympics and how to get involved in that amazing world
  • One of my favorite coaching moments in my life (becoming “coach of the year” after coaching my team in Special Olympics)

Thanks so much for taking the time out to discuss all of this with me. It was really fun and I hope to learn more from you again soon.

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